Su casa en Galicia

Galería Fotográfica

From A Estrada you are near any place in Galicia,but if you want to know better this town and its environs, here you are some suggestions. It´s really a good idea to go to the "Centro Comarcal", it's only one mile away of the town Centre, taking the road to Santiago, there you will get complete information about the different places you can visit.

A vila

Only one mile away from the house you will reach the town, where you will find shops, restaurants, a health center, leisure areas... But even closer, just crossing the door you can visit one of the most representative historic buildings in the town: The Torre de Guimarei.

Románico Rural

One of the most appreciated features of A Estrada is its romanic rural architecture. In fact, there are several courses you can follow in order to know these churches, built in the Middle Age. Here you are only a few examples:



It's also possible to follow the "Ruta de los Pazos", where you can enjoy the tipical galician palaces. The most representative, the Pazo de Oca.


But A Estrada is not only architecture, natural sceneries are also part of its richness. An example: the Fervenza de Curantes.